A legjobbtesztek.hu számtalan órát tölt kutatással, hogy segítsen Önnek vásárlás során megtalálni a legjobb termékeket. Az itt található összes termék a csapatunk által, függetlenül kerül kiválasztásra. Amennyiben Ön a feltöltött tartalmainkban található linkeken keresztül vásárol, azáltal mi némi jutalékot kereshetünk, így támogatva munkánkat.

Top 5 legjobb forrólevegős fritőz 2024

Finding the right hand mixer in this category is not easy as there are so many options on the market. To make your life easier, we have selected the 5 best hot air fryers. We compared their prices, parameters, and market demand to create this unique list.

A legjobb költségvetéssel
4.5 / 5

Ez a könnyű, kompakt légsütő lehetővé teszi az egészséges, ropogós krumpli elkészítését, alkalmas sütésre, pörkölésre, grillezésre. Biztonságos, és rendkívül könnyen használható az analóg kezelőpanelnek miatt.


  • Kompakt és könnyű (2,85 kg)
  • Alkalmas sütéshez, sütéshez, pörköléshez és grillezéshez
  • Biztonságos használat a hűvös fogantyúval, a túlmelegedés elleni védelemmel és a csúszásmentes lábakkal
  • Állítható termosztát (80°C – 200°C) és időzítő (30 perc)
  • Kivehető tartály tapadásmentes bevonattal


  • Csak 1 program áll rendelkezésre
  • Kis mérete miatt egyszerre legfeljebb 2 adag krumplit tud készíteni
A legjobb középkategória
4.6 / 5

A légsütő nagy kosara alkalmassá teszi nagy mennyiségű sült krumpli gyors főzésére, valamint a legegészségesebb és ropogósabb csirke sütésére. A kezelőszervek egyszerűek és egy ablak át figyelheti az ételt, ahogy fő.


  • Egyszerre akár 3-6 adag krumpli elkészítésére is alkalmas
  • Négy különböző program áll rendelkezésre
  • Egy ablakon át megfigyelheti az ételeket főzés közben
  • Praktikus időzítő a fedélen jelzi, mikor elkészült az étel
  • A fedél és a sütőedény levehető a könnyű tisztítás érdekében


  • Elég nehéz és testes (7,1 kg)
  • Mosogatógépben nem mosható
A legjobb prémium
4.7 / 5

Speciális zsíreltávolító technológiával javítja az ételek főzését és minimális olajjal remek ízt biztosít. Az étel elkészülését jelzi, melegen tartja és automatikus kikapcsol, a biztonságos, egyszerű használat érdekében.


  • Kiváló minőségű ételt készít
  • A kezelés logikus és egyszerű
  • 5 előre beállított program és kézi üzemmód elérhető 60 perces időzítővel
  • Számos leszerelhető alkatrésze miatt könnyen tisztítható
  • Nem bocsát ki szagokat


  • Némi erőfeszítést igényel, hogy hozzászokjon
  • Nagyon drága
A legjobb ár/érték
4.9 / 5

Több automatikus programmal és könnyen használható digitális vezérlőpanellel rendelkezik. Szagtalan, hűvös marad a felületen, könnyen tisztítható. A tartály tágas, a fűtés gyors, megjelenése pedig igen elegáns.


  • Nagy tartály (5,5 l)
  • Nyolc különböző program elérhető
  • Elegáns megjelenés, könnyen kezelhető kezelőpanellel
  • Túlmelegedés elleni védelem és a sütés közben hűvös felület
  • Csúszásmentes lábak az extra stabilitásért


  • A felület nem ujjlenyomatmentes
  • A kosár eltávolítása némi erőfeszítést igényelhet
A legjobb költségvetéssel
4.8 / 5

Modern futurisztikus kialakításával bármely konyhát díszíti, és minden szükséges extrával rendelkezik az olajmentes főzéshez. Süthet chipset, grill steaket és pizzát - mindezt 60% -kal gyorsabban, előmelegítés nélkül.


  • Nagy kosár (9l)
  • A nagy, átlátszó ablak lehetővé teszi az ételek megfigyelését főzés közben
  • Előre beállított programok és manuális beállítások
  • Késleltetett indítás funkció
  • Több tartozék: fém kerek lemez, grill, 3D kosár, csirke nyárs, fogó


  • Fagyasztott burgonyához kiváló, friss burgonyához nem
  • Nem jár hozzá receptkönyvet

Shopping guide

Hot air fryers are available in a variety of sizes, shapes, capacities and prices. Some of these devices are large and strangely shaped, taking up space on the counter and making it difficult to get in and out of your closet. Air-mixed fryers are generally more expensive, but are more likely to be digitally adjustable for precise control.

What is an oil-free deep fryer and how does it work?

Fryers are kitchen appliances that make your favorite foods crispy from a fraction of the oil used for traditional deep frying. An air fryer can be a great addition to your kitchen if you want to eat healthy without losing your flavor.

An air oven with a fan and heater blows very hot air over the oven basket or tray. The convective effect is created by the rapid movement of air, which cooks and tans the food. The heat also helps keep your food moist on the inside while staying crispy and crunchy on the outside.

The air fryer is different from the classic fryer as follows.

In a conventional fryer, an element produces heat (either gas or electric). Over time, the heat is gradually distributed in the oven.

The fryer generates heat with fast air technology, not as an element. This allows them to heat up significantly faster than an oven.

You can make almost anything in an air door that you can cook in a regular door. It’s great for reheating frozen foods like chicken wings, potato chips, donuts and extra crispy cakes, but it’s also great for making them.

hot air fryer

Advantages and disadvantages of hot-air fryer

The fryers use the heat and drying effect of the air to cook food quickly, leaving them crispy and brown on the outside but moist on the inside.

Here are the pros and cons of using an air fryer.


Helps prepare more nutritious food

The fryer is easy to handle and allows you to prepare a variety of nutritious meals. When you cook with this tool, you use less oil because the extra oil is not absorbed by the food. That means fewer calories and fat!

Cleaning is child’s play

Compared to deep fryers, cleaning hot air ovens requires very little work. Because air frying requires so little oil, it is easy to clean with just a soft bristle brush, dish soap and running water. No upheaval!

Faster and more efficient cooking.

The preheating time of the air fryers is only a few minutes and now of the heat is retained by the appliance. Food cooks faster than in an oven or hob because this heat is not taken away from the surrounding air. Because the circulating air enhances the heat effect, even frozen foods are prepared quickly.

Easy to use

The fryers are very easy to handle and once you put your hand on it, there is no going back. Use frozen foods such as chicken bites, fries, onion rings and chicken fingers, set the program and timing, and see! You can even heat up the leftovers from the night before.


Quality problems

Plastic and cheap metal parts are used to make air fryers. After months or years of use, they may not last. Heaters, controls, and fans wear out over time, rendering your device worthless.

Not suitable for large families

Some ovens are marketed specifically for large families, but what exactly does that mean? Most air fryers can cook for most 1-4 people (depending on capacity). You can’t really cook for more than four people and have to prepare the food separately.

You can burn and dry the food

If you don’t pay attention, the fryer can dry the food quickly. If you cook in an fryer, you don’t have to worry as the food may be crispy on the outside and may remain moist on the inside. Before making any experiments, read the instruction booklet and follow the recommended hot air oven recipes.

It takes up a lot of space

They definitely take up space, whether on the counter or in the closet. This may not be a problem if you use it often, but if you make a few servings of wings occasionally, the extra area may not be worth it. It depends on how and how you want to use it. Some units are also very large, which makes transportation difficult.

oil-free fryer

How to choose an oven

A wide range of air fryers is available in the market, each with unique features. By looking at some of the key factors that describe what you want to use it for, it will be easier to decide which air oven is best for your needs.

When buying an air oven, consider the following:

Basic cooking functions

When selecting an oven, the basic cooking functions are ideal. For example, dialing controls are simpler and less accurate, consisting only of a temperature dial and a timer dial that rings after the timer expires.

Look for a timer that allows you to set more than 30 minutes. The touch screen is available on digital controllers with accurate timer, temperature measurement and pre-programmed settings. Look for models that have simple symbols or beeps when cooking is complete.


You need to make sure that the outlet in the kitchen supports the performance of the appliance. It is critical that your kitchen sockets can withstand the 800 to 1500 watts required by a typical air door.
If the oven is many watts, it will reach a higher temperature faster and reheat the oil. The fryers are available in a variety of power ranges, including up to 1,800 watts. Performance You
need to make sure that the outlet in the kitchen supports the performance of the appliance. It is critical that your kitchen sockets can withstand the 800 to 1500 watts required by a typical air door.
If the oven is many watts, it will reach a higher temperature faster and reheat the oil.The fryers are available in a variety of power ranges, including up to 1,800 watts.

Cart type

This is a special type of air fryer that cooks food in a basket. The basket typically includes a pliers that allow the food to be easily added for cooking.

Deep-fried foods such as onion rings and home-cooked meals are easier to bake crispy in a basket-style door. Basket type air fryers have fewer moving components and can have a longer lifespan depending on the manufacturer.

The drawer-type basket fryer is a typical cylindrical basket fryer with removable baskets for storing food. The top of the appliance heats the air and then circulates evenly around the food in the basket using a fan. The food can be placed in the folding style basket from above.

Cooking programs

Some fryers offer a variety of cooking options for the most popular dishes, such as fries, chicken, bacon, or even frying. These different cooking programs provide preset values ​​for the right temperature and time range for each cooking technique or food. This is especially useful if you are just starting to use the fryers and don’t know how long it takes to prepare each dish.


Depending on what type of fryer you buy, you may need a few more batteries to get the most out of it.

Separator: With the separator supplied with the air fryer, you can prepare two types of food at the same time without having to wait.
Grill: You can grill and toast foods such as meat, fish and vegetables in the air door thanks to the perforated surface grill. Before you buy, check with the manufacturer to see if the grill can be used with your fryer model. Skewers
: In addition to serving as simple skewers or kebab makers, the skewers fit nicely into the fryer basket when not in use. The skewers can be used to roast a variety of meats, including beef, chicken and fish.
Vane:You can place food in the machine with a shovel during the cooking process – a unique tool that you can often use while using the fryer.
Molds: You can use molds in the door to bake cakes, muffins or small cakes. Recipe Book
: The oven recipe book offers useful tips and hints for getting the most out of your appliance.

Most air fryers are made of plastic with a metal basket, which is potentially harmful to health and can be extremely dangerous to the environment. Chemicals and phthalates can soap into food from older, cheaper plastic. However, BPA-free options can be just as harmful.

The best air fryer should be healthy and environmentally friendly. They must not contain PTFE and PFOA , stainless steel, ceramic coated or glass parts.

hot air fryer

Easy to use and wash

Cleaning your air oven can be a challenge if you don’t know how to proceed. Some versions include dishwasher-safe and removable parts, making cleaning much easier. Other fryers are equipped with features that make the process more manageable, such as a removable section that makes it easier to remove cooking oil used in the process.

Cleaning and maintenance

It is important to note that even though the basket is closed at the ovens, in order to keep the fat and oil from splashing into the food, it still needs to be cleaned. Clean it every time you use the device.

Here’s how to clean the fryer

  • Allow the fryer to cool after unplugging it.
  • Use a damp kitchen cloth to clean the outside.
  • Pans, trays and baskets can be cleaned with dish soap and hot water. You can wash all the removable parts of the door in the dishwasher, so there is no need to wash by hand.
  • Clean the inside of the door with a kitchen towel or sponge or running hot water.
  • Use a brush to clean the heater above the basket if food gets stuck on it.
  • Make sure the pan, tray and basket are completely dry before putting them back in the door.

Maintenance of air fryers

Ensuring that the module is not damaged or does not work requires some basic maintenance in addition to regular cleaning. Here’s how to maintain it.

  • Check each time you use a cable. Before use, make sure that the fryer line is clean and undamaged.
  • Before you start cooking, make sure that the grill is clean and free of debris. If you don’t use the oven for a while, check the inside. Dust may have accumulated on the surface. Before you start cooking, clean the pan basket if you find any food residue.
  • Before cooking anything, make sure the oven is level.
  • The oven should not be placed near walls or other appliances. In order for the oven to properly blow out the steam and hot air during cooking, you need at least 10-11 cm between the appliance and the wall behind it. If placed in an enclosed area, it may overheat.
  • Before use, make sure all parts, including baskets, pans and handles, are intact. Return damaged parts to the manufacturer for replacement.
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